Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I hate technology. I was so excited to get Windows 7 that I barely considered the negative aspects of it. So when I got home to a house that has horrible, free internet from the city, I was shocked to find some of my music didn't work and I had no Microsoft Word program to write on. For a writer, this was like poison to my veins.

I basically had to surf the web and find Microsoft Word on a connection that spent literally 5 minutes loading one page. I eventually had to cave in and buy Word 2007 for 60$. So much for saving money...Anyway, I began to download it on the connection only to find that it would take 24+ hours to complete it. I went to work upset about it, frustrated because our internet and cable were out, and struggling through menstrual cramps from hell. Needless to say, work was not fun.

When I got home, it was only going to get worse. My stupid program had downloaded 3% in 5 hours. So I packed up my bags, headed across campus, and sat in the computer lab mooching their internet access. Even then, my computer decided this was the time to tell me it had no space on its C drive. So I panicked and had to clear up space from all over my damn computer just to have enough room for my cursed program. The program downloaded but then I accidently deleted an application that makes iTunes work so I had to redownload that.

By now it was 11:30 and lab was closing in 30 minutes. My emotions that day had gone from okay to tired to exhausted to frustrated to angry to upset to frantic to depressed. I went home and deleted more rubbish and finally was able to download all of Word and iTunes. I thought my problems with computers was done.

Only to find when I loaded a document that over 10 pages was missing.

I HATE computers. Now the damn scroll ability on my stupid touchpad mouse won't even work. I need a drink. Or a new computer. Or a hammer to take to the computer. God help me.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds HORRIBLE! Geez!!! Seriously a day from hell. Poor Bekah, I love you even if technology doesn't:( Want to come over for dinner sometime soon? We'll invite Leah's fam and Mom... J can look at your lappie!!
