Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Choose You, Indecision

I don't think I want to be a teacher.

Actually, I know I don't want to be a teacher.

The sad thing is I knew I didn't want to teach mid-way through my schooling but went ahead with it. I knew I wanted to do something with history and I couldn't imagine anything other than teaching. Now I realize I could have done library or museum studies. But, at the time, I was foolish and thought I would grow out of it.

Now, after having my license and hunting for jobs, I realize I really don't want to be a teacher. I find the entire system corrupt and useless. Children are no longer learning. They are only being taught. But that's a post for another day.

Sometimes I feel like the most useless person in the world. Like a 40-year-old man sitting in his mom's basement playing video games while the world grows up and moves on around him. I starve for comfort, for a sign that I'm not useless. I need to feel like I'm accomplishing something. So what am I going to do with a four year degree that earned me a card-stock diploma?

I don't know the answer to that but I'm sure that sitting around worrying won't help me. I need to keep saving money and doing my best to find a career that I love. Because, in all actuality, what's the point in doing something for the rest of your life, or even a few years, if you don't find yourself passionate about what you do?


  1. I totally feel ya. I spent 5 years on a degree that I still haven't been able to put to use due to a down economy and massive outsourcing. 3 years and a couple jobs to pay the bills later and I feel as if I've moved nowhere in life. Considering going back for another area entirely but feel that is a step backwards. It's nice to know I'm not alone.

  2. Oh no:(
    I think it's silly to choose your career when you are a teenager and then spend 40+ years working at that. Does anyone REALLY know what they want to do after having lived only 18 years?

    Anyway: I think you are far from useless. You are living in transition, that's all. You have a great place to be until you do discover what you want.
