So this is what I found on my Facebook early this beautiful morning. Now, at first I wasn't sure if it was merely because I was exhausted and delirious from a bad cold but I was pretty darn confused with this album's title. I can only assume that there's some form of hyperbole going on here or some sort of 'inside joke' because I know for a fact that things DO happen in real life.
I just don't get it. Is the album creator specifying that things do happen in real life as opposed to fake life? Because, as a writer who creates stories from thin air and ridiculous dreams, I can tell you that things do happen in fake life just as they do in real life.
I can only hope that the creator here was just lacking in ideas to name their spring break adventure album. Perhaps "Adventures during Spring Break" wasn't available at the time. Or maybe even "lIfE As wE kNoW iT" didn't have the same feel as "Things happen in real life" because, well, things apparently happen in real life!
Somehow, I think my fascination (overreaction) to this album title was solely due to the fact that I am lacking in oxygen thanks to how much mucus I have crammed in my nose right now. Here's to colds and the delirious responses they foster! Thank you for making my Thursday morning as fulfilling as I hoped it would be!