So I've really taken to the whole environmental movement lately. It's getting to the point where I'm actually going the whole nine yards. You know what I mean: Buying 100% recycled shoes, shirts, socks, etc. Plus, there's the whole buying only recyclable products. Styrofoam is bad, reuse those big ass McDonald's cups next time you go in!
Anyhow, this sort of came about this past semester with the whole moving in with enviromentally friendly roommates. From there, it just boomed. I signed up for a geology class and after each session I'm just reminded of how important it is to recycle. I absolutely hate the things we do to the environment just because it's easy and fast. I've been working really hard to turn off my car in drive-thru's, buy from places that donate to environmental charities, etc.
Yet, there is one thing that I love above all else and that is meat. I am a carnivore at heart. If I was forced to give up veggies or meat, hell, you better bet it'll be the veggies. Meat is the basis of all diets! So when people start giving up meat because it helps the environment and ozone layer and such, I seriously want to bitch-slap them with a geology book and tell them to open it and read that instead of reading pointless blogs or Facebook posts.
Education, my dear Watson! Read and you shall receive brilliance unmatchable with any other power. Instead of pushing vegetarianism, push for something that will actually make a difference. You quitting eating meat will not change the world. How about you start recycling more and stop filling up landfills? Or how about trying to help those overseas by donating to charities? Help out some lonely dogs in a shelter, spoon out food to the poor here on our streets, hell, do something about mountain-top removal or the destruction of the forests and environments.
All in all, if we are to claim that we are bettering the world, we should actually do it and not tip-toe around the scary topics that no one faces. As for me, I will settle in each Friday night and cook that perfectly seasoned chicken to my heart's content.
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." -Henry David Thoreau