So as of the beginning of this month, I am a house-owner. Well, house-renter but it's pretty much the same thing. It just doesn't come with the whole this-is-my-house-so-do-what-I-say mentality. I'm renting with four other girls so my word isn't law. Or even heard. But who's to complain when you have a comfortable bed and a roof over your head?
Within the last few weeks, I've learned a few good lessons about house ownership. First and foremost, don't put grease down your sink! I've often heard this warning from the elders back on my homestead but, as is often typical of me, I rarely listen to others' advice until it's too late. So when I made tacos and poured that grease down the sink, I was pretty shocked to find out that the sink wouldn't drain the next day. Turns out I screwed up the sink. On the bright side, I'm just as handy with a plunger as I am with destroying plumbing. I'm happy to report that the sink is well again and gurgling down acidic oddities just as hungrily as before.
The second lesson runs along the lines of meter-readers. I totally forgot about those guys! Back in my day, they didn't bother you. They walked to the meter and read it without speaking to you or knocking on the door to inform you they were on your property. Unfortunately, it seems life in the city is far different than life in the country. The meter-reader chick knocked on the door and actually came in to check the meter, which, i may add, I had no idea where it was. I swear I was probably so blindsided by what my southern manners saw as an invasion that the woman could have robbed me, made a sandwich, and walked out with all my homely goods while I happily informed her to search the place.
I do believe house-owning from now on will be quite an adventure. I feel as if I'm being prepared for a world of actually living in a house without anyone else to save me. At least right now, I live with the knowledge that this is a temporary home. Well, at this rate, it may very well be temporary if I keep letting meter-readers in.
Oh well, at least there's an ice cream truck that passes by the place.