Sarcasm - Noun. 1. Harsh or bitter derision or irony. 2. A sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
It's a desperately evil thing. People hate it. They accuse it of being the sociopath's tool to pass judgment, to deceitfully manipulate those around. It's a terrible tool, a wretched noun that brings only pain and anger.
Despise - Verb. To regard with contempt, distaste, disgust, or disdain; scorn; loathe.
Yet another tool in the arsenal of a sociopath's control. It's the very way that they function off of. It's a tool of contempt, a wedge they hammer between relationships so that they can tear them apart and put themselves in the position they desire. It tears the closest of individuals apart. It feeds off of weakness and doubt until the very seed of anger grows into a monstrous parasite.
Lies- Noun. A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
It's the tool used to pit one against another, to grow doubt where it never existed, to infect the healthy with the evil. It's perhaps the strongest of the tools. It's by far the most long-lasting. One lie lasts a lifetime.
Everyone accuses these tools as being the instrument of destruction and manipulation. When they observe someone using them, they accuse that person as either being a sociopath or someone who is purposely destroying those around them. But here's the thing. These aren't tools. Those who think they are, are the very fools who think the world should spin according to them. These aren't instruments of destruction or pain. They are simple human emotions and actions. They are what they are. They are desperate attempts to defend oneself from that which threatens to harm them. The lies, despise, and sarcasm are attempts to mask the pain and sadness that a person feels.
They are human emotions and an emotion in itself is "any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear". They are natural and they are there to be respected, not to be defined as a clinical problem or need to cure. We only define them as something medical and substantial because we, as humans, cannot stop another human from feeling an emotion that we do not agree with. We fear that which we cannot control and therefore, we fear each other.