I've decided to finally take an extended break from writing. When I was writing my last book, I had no issue sitting down in my free time and spending a while writing and enjoying the lore. There were days where I would just get caught up in the story I was telling. I fell in love with what I was writing and would spend hours wrapped up in the story thinking about nothing but what was in my head and how best to get it out on the page before me.
As soon as I started writing my first book though, I lost what inspiration I had. I'm nearly sure it's the season that's getting to me. In winter, I tend to run out of steam and inspiration to do well on the hobbies I have. This book was started right around December and it just as quickly died down. I lost interest in what I was writing and soon couldn't even write out a page each day. These last few days, I've only written three pages and they were just hollow of emotion or life. I have no interest in working on something that barely even intrigues me. So it was with a heavy heart that I set my book aside today. For now, I will focus my energy on homework and reading. I'll miss my lore and I'll miss the beauty I found in the written arts but we sometimes have to step away from what we treasure in order to realize how much we truly value it.
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