That movie clip is pretty much how I feel as summer approaches and winter is left behind.
In the past week, there's been more going on than I can keep track of. Lucky for me, I don't sleep well under stress and now have time to update my blog between appointments. I finished up all my responsibilities this week as a Student Teacher. I presented my Student Teacher Presentation yesterday (it's given in front of my colleagues, classmates, professors, and the Education Department. Needless to say, it was a little unnerving. But it went well and I was content.
Now that it's over with, I only have two days left as Miss Taylor to my students. I took today off so I could go for an interview in the town I'm moving to. Wish me luck in those regards! I'm slightly sad to leave my students. I've been with them for two semesters now but, honestly, I'm completely ready to go. It's been way too long and I'm just ready to move on.
As I progress to the end of the semester and my roommates prepare to move out, we've dropped internet and cable again. I forgot what it was like without the two. I still have internet, of course. It's the city's wifi so it's definitely not the best in the world but it does pretty good considering. But going without television? I ALWAYS have the television on for background noise. Now it's off and I'm readjusting to listening to music and the sounds of the city again.
Not only am I changing things on the home-front but I'm also trying to change who I am as a person. Summer is my time for resolutions, not the New Year. So I've resolved to be a better person and not put myself in difficult situations again. I've been treating people better and working on my patience. I want to leave behind the cut-and-dry, unemotional Bekah this year demanded of me. I'm ready to return to my old ways. I want to become amazingly spiritual again, spend my days meditating, learning, and growing. I'm proud of what I'm doing so far and there's only room for improvement from here.
I've even had time to get back to writing this past week. I haven't yet opened my books but I did open up my Book Bits. If you can recall, these are tidbits of stories either related or nonrelated to my books. They are pretty much short stories of random situations that pop into my head. I decided to write one that concerned addiction the other day and it was really interesting. I'm rather proud of what I've done.
I think the last bit of information I have to update is my dog-search. I have yet to receive final word from my family (the ones I'm living with this summer) that it's clear to get a puppy. Now, my gut feelings are often correct and this one is telling me I'll get a no as an answer but I am praying I get a yes. These last few days of searching for a puppy have been so much fun. Chasing down the perfect dog (within a budget) has been a thrill and it's even more fun for me to realize that I would be responsible for someone other than myself. I think there are times when you spend too much time on yourself, thinking, sitting, wasting away, without accomplishing much. To have a puppy would give me the chance to worry over someone else. It would give me a mission and, more importantly, a companion who doesn't care if I don't wash my dishes each day, don't make my bed as soon as I wake up, get A's on all my homework, or say the right thing to my elders.
So here's to hoping and let's hope hoping does its duty!