I still went on with it and it turned out considerably well. I will have to edit it somewhat heavily as I struggled to add the ending on after an interruption but I'm satisfied with how it went. Now that Roan is pretty much wrapped up save for the last climax chapter it's time to move back to Arobin. He will be getting one last chapter for his own crisis. I foresee it as being equally difficult to write since the series first true love storyline will come to an end but thus is the life of a writer!
Here's a brief snippet from last night. After only hearing bits and pieces for three books, the reader finally figures out what caused the barn fire that began the entire series. Plus, they also find out why Roan has the flaws he does.
"He held his right hand out to Morgan and nodded at the scar along it. “You asked me how a barn accident could cause something like that. I told you the truth. I accidentally broke the beam a few weeks before this happened and never fixed it. I tried to escape from my father and grabbed the shattered beam. It hurt so bad that I couldn’t get away. Even when my father and brother went inside for the night, I stayed out there instead of facing them again.”
His eyes stinging, Roan pulled his hand back and used it to rub his face, groaning through his fingers. “I learned my first medic trick that night and cauterized the wound. But my brother came to the barn to check on me at the same time as I used the spell. I couldn’t control my magic. The barn caught fire. That was the day the rumor started about the boy who used fire magic and killed his brother at the same time.” "
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