Seeing as how I'm a college student and had the responsibilities of a graduated adult thrown on me this past year, I've had to learn to cut back in certain areas of my life. The major one was food. I love cooking amazing dinners and recipes. I grew up in a house full of loud, obnoxious Italians who gathered around a table only to shout that the basket of rolls wasn't full enough. So I love my food and I enjoy creating awesome recipes. Unfortunately, you can't do that as a college student on a budget. My monthly grocery budget went from around 100$ down to 50$ per month. That means no more fun meals! It also meant buying things smarter and getting food items that could last longer. Seeing as how I work upwards of 4-12 hours a day, I was constantly eating out. Now I have to cook a meal before work and bring some in for lunch and dinner so I'm not out buying pizza and Mcdonalds every 3 hours.
This has been an experience, to say the least. I figured out a few things about myself. No matter how I sear, fry, bake, or boil any type of pasta, I will never be able to eat left overs from it. I HATE left over pasta. I also hate cold-cut sandwiches. I used to love them. After eating them at least once a day over the summer, I now hate them.
Despite how much of a pain in the ass it is to bring my lunch every day, I save hundreds of bucks each month on it. That money now goes toward rent, utilities, and school! It's fun getting to pay adult bills on a child's part-time job.
Besides money-related rubbish, here are some other things going on right now.
1) I learned over the summer that left overs can hold up to a week instead of the one day my germaphobia allowed me last year. They aren't tasty but they're still safe to eat.
2) Sleeping in a freezing room is both a blessing and a curse. I have to adjust the temperature throughout the night as my body temperature changes.
3) Setting unrealistic goals proves to allow unrealistic advances. I have one chapter left in my book. Staying up until 2am each night and getting up around 9am in order to meet the deadline before school is actually kind of fun. It's amazing how much I've gotten done.
3) Work sucks! Well, not really but in huge bulk it does. I haven't had a day off in two weeks. My social life is zilch. My energy is nonexistent. Combined with writing, I have no time to consider classes are fourish days away.
4) Babies seem to appear everywhere. My oldest sister had one and by the time that clean and in swaddling clothes, another APPEARED!!! It's like damn magic.
5) In one day, I go home for the last time before school. In ten months, I'll be graduating. In eleven months, I'll be in Florida :)