First couple sentences of Book 2 revealed! I finished the book around 1:30 today, only 30 minutes after my preset deadline. But I don't care. The extra time made for a really cool ending :) I'm so happy with this book that I can't even put it into words. I'm still a bit shocked that I'm done with this one. I'll have to make a post describing my favorite parts later when I've had to think over it.
As always, this is the raw, unedited version. I have about half of the grammatical mistakes fixed but gave up by page 200 out of 301 so I could just focus on the story instead. I'll have to go back and fix those later. I also have a paper with a bunch of stuff I want to include in it that I need to fit into the story but yay, I got Book 2 out of the way!!
I can now work on editing (My next greatest love after writing). Then I'll start reading Book 3 and preparing my ideas for it too. This is so exciting! I love getting things done, especially after months of working on it :)
Here's a glimpse at the last two sentences. Good ol' Roan is always there, this time with his new bff. Now I get to go home for the day and spend time with my wonderful family one last time before school starts. I simply couldn't be happier :)

Yay for you!!!! ACCOMPLISHED BEKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!