Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scatterfield is my Inspiration

Whenever I have days or evenings off, I get about 2-4 hours of constructive work done around the house. Then I lose motivation and sort of turn in a big blob laying on the bed with nothing to do. When that happens, I find that driving from one end of town and back on Scatterfield revives my soul. I don't know if it's just the long car ride or because I need to get out of the house but I always find inspiration on that road. If I need to write a suspenseful part, I drive when it's stormy. The same with a happy part, sad part, etc. The best mood is when I need to write an angry part because, as those who have lived in Anderson know, Scatterfield is best at evoking angry emotions. As always I drive with my windows down and my music blaring.

The only downfall is that I have to drive by all the restaurants and stores and fight off temptation on the way. Today, I failed and bought a pair of shoes. I guess every good does comes with an evil.


  1. Yeah, I drove on Scatterfield once when I was bored and A CAR WRECKED IN TO ME!!!! And I had horrible headaches for 3 years.... Be careful on Scatterfield.....

  2. I would rather have headaches for 3 years than be cooped up in a boring house for 6 hours.
