Saturday, August 28, 2010

Daunting? I think So

I grammatically edited Book 2 and decided to take a break from it for a couple weeks so I could return with a refreshed mind ready to tackle the hard editing. I decided I'd start reading Book 3 and picking out ideas I wanted to keep for the rewritten work.

For Book 2, my Keep Ideas list was a whooping maximum of 5 points I believe. That was because Book 1 had to be completely and utterly redone. I think I only kept names and general plot (The plot I kept was: This bad guy is evil, we gotta kill this bad guy, oops, we messed up, the end). Because so little was kept from Book 1 there wasn't much to include in Book 2.

Book 3 is actually a lot better than the previous two. I'm both excited and intimidated by this. It means I can start using a lot of the ideas I initially used for the book. It also means that I won't be able to create one from scratch like I did with the past two :(

Anyway, the Keep Ideas list is currently at 15 for being 50 pages into Book 3. Comparing that to Book 2's five things, I'm going to go out on a ledge here and say I'm going to have to remember and plan this book a bit better!

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