Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Four Score and Pickle Juice

There are some days where all you can really do is sit back and take it all in. These past two days have been that exact way. I can't even really remember what I did because I was so busy. I had a few major projects due this week that I had to scramble to finish so everything else is already a blur. However, there are a couple stories I remember with ease.

For example, while at work yesterday I heard a great story from my coworker. Apparently, he and his roommate were in the mood for partying so they hiked up their big boy pants and headed out into their apartment. They walked by each door and listened for any loud music. When they found an apartment that had music playing within, they took a deep breath and barged right in without knocking. Into a stranger's home. Without knowing the person. Or knocking. Turns out the major party they thought was going to be inside was really just a group of six or so people playing cards sitting on the floor. How embarrassing is that? And like, who in their right mind seriously barges in on an apartment without knowing anyone? Were they drunk? Can we hope so or should we just leave it at the fact that they're idiots? I think I'll just leave it.

We have a professor here at AU who is the only female in the history department. She's epic. She's badass. She's amazing. Her name is Miss Rogers and she's a ferocious feminist, loves organic food, hates modified food, hates destroying the earth, and loves cursing like a sailor. She's renowned around the history department. Well, I think I'm more like her than I thought I was. In all my classes, my fellow students have been calling me Rogers. It's sticking to me and there is no way I can get away from it. Whenever I say something against norms, go on a rant about the earth, or say something feminist, my classmates sigh rather sarcastically and go, "Okay, Rogers". It's spread. Now other people around campus are calling me it. I think I'll just make that my new name.

I have one class where everyone refers to me as Rogers. It's my once a week evening class on Wednesdays. I gave my history lecture today in that class and it went relatively well considering I put it together an hour before the class began. I need to be even more organized. Anyway, one student did his lecture over the assembly line. As an activity, he set up a table with bread, lunch meat, mayo, pickles, and cheese slices on it. He asked for an activity and because I was making eye contact with him -damn me for trying to be a good student!- he picked me. I had to go up to the table and rush to make the sandwiches as fast as I could. It was DISGUSTING!!! The first time I only made one sandwich in a minute. the second time I got two and a half. After that he had the whole class -all five of us- go and take up position in the assembly line. I had to put the pickles on the sandwiches.

Now if you have never worked an assembly line then let me tell you now that it's not all that great. At least not when you're making sandwiches as a germaphobe. We were rushing so fast that I soon couldn't just pick the pickles off the top of the pickle jar. I had into the stinging pickle juice to get them. Soon enough, I was reaching MY ENTIRE HAND into the jar to pull out the pickles. Let me tell you this; pickle juice is like lemon juice. If you have cuts on your hand, it hurts. A LOT!

Pictures and video of this experience are soon to come.

Anyway, it was a fun activity and I enjoyed it. The class had fun as well and we had a good laugh about it. Afterwards, me and a couple others students went to the Haven and had a fun dinner before going to Mocha Joe's, our coffee shop. Also, while walking from the restroom to the coffee shop, I passed by a guy who walked up to one of the computers in the hall and announced, "Four score and seven years ago!" before working on it. I was the only one in the hallway besides him. It was totally awkward.

Let me just add that after washing and scrubbing my hands four different times, I still have pickle scent wafting off of them....Ew....

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