Well, the slow first half of my week was, as usual, deceptive. I got an email today saying my student teaching interview was moved from November to the next 2 weeks. I'm now panicking as I rush through the paperwork and struggle to collect everything I need to prepare for it. On the bright side, yesterday I got a free map of Civil War battles, a book about the builders and founders of America, and a history and social issues book from my evening class. I'm definitely excited about the builders of America book but I'm ecstatic about the map! I absolutely love maps and this one is amazing.
I guess you know you're a history major and teacher when you get really giddy about maps and free books :)
I was rifling through some belongings I brought from home when I came across my old notebooks again. I glanced through them and saw ones from Book 2. They are approximately 9 years old! You can tell too...The writing is horrid! In the second paragraph, I spelled leisurely as lesurely. I also used lingo and not in the way that writer's license allows me to. I used it nonchalantly. THE HORROR!!! The pen markings on it were made when I went back after I wrote the book and reread it. It wasn't from now. Oh, and I'm pretty sure I've taken out almost every idea from that page. So much for young writing!

This weekend I'm taking a break from school and going home to hang out with my sisters and madre. I'm pretty excited to just take time and relax but I'm not sure if I'll actually relax. I'm sure I'll sit down to watch television (something I haven't done since Sunday) and feel horrible for not doing something school related. But thus is the life of a college senior and it's back to that life I go!
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